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PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 9:12 pm    Post subject: Christina Avalos, CA, 40th CD

Christina Avalos has called for immediate withdrawal from Iraq, the impeachment of Bush and Cheney, withdrawal from the WTO, cancellation of NAFTA and other free-trade agreements, an end to the Cuban embargo, respect for the elected leaders of foreign governments, a cabinet-level Department of Peace and universal, single-payer, not-for-profit health care. She also has called for a freeze and rollback of gas prices and for a switch to clean, safe energy. Clean and safe, by her standards, does NOT include coal or nuclear. She also opposes Yucca Mountain and will work to stop that project. She has called for revision of three strikes and for the abolition of the death penalty.

Typically, the Democratic Party of Orange County, which is backing right-wing Republican Ed Royce behind the scenes, sets up sham candidates in primary who are expected to run token campaigns against Royce in the general election.

Christina Avalos is serious about winning and will run a legitimate campaign. Like Kucinich, she stands by her principles and won't back down. The demographics make her the most likely Democrat to pick up a seat in Southern California.

Her website is

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