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Cindy Sheehan on War Candidates: "By writing to our elected officials and complaining about this or that, but by not voting our consciences and allowing ourselves to panic and vote for a party when we know that both parties (except for a few notable exceptions in all parties) have been bobble-headed, rubberstamp tools for the Bush Regime. We are electing people who do not have our best interests at heart, but who vote to fund more money for war and killing and absolve themselves of the responsibility by saying that "they were tricked." We should vote for people who want war to end and did not vote against America by giving George the keys to operate the war machine when they knew he was irresponsible, no matter what party affiliation they claim." Read Entire Article

"This time vote for what you believe in"
Paul Welstone, unabashed liberal

A New Approach
An organized antiwar voting bloc can send the peace message to politicians

Eisenhower on the Military Industrial Complex
Corporate influence permeates both major political parties

Hawk-Tied Democrats
A cabal of presidential hopefuls has muzzled opposition to the Iraq occupation, torture,rendition and eavesdropping on US citizens

Wisconsin Cities and Towns Vote to Bring the Troops Home
24 of 32 cities (60% of voters) voted to bring the troops home now

National Poll Finds Strong Anti-War Voting Block
two-thirds of all progressive voters are against voting for any pro-war candidate

VotersForPeace.US Launches on Eve of 3rd Anniversary of Iraq War
Well-funded effort aims to make Iraq War 'an issue candidates can't ignore.'

Democrats and War
TheNation takes a principled stand against voting for pro-war candidates

Pat Buchanan attacks Congressional Cowards
Congress lacks the courage to limit Bush war-making power

Ron Paul: Iran- The Next Neocon Target
Congressman Ron Paul on the plans to attack Iran

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