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Take Action to End Wars of Aggression!

Coordinated action by voters opposed to the current military action in Iraq can end the illegal occupation. There are many ways you can help. Below are three steps we urge you to take. If you have ideas on actions we can take please let us know at [email protected].

Take a clear stand and let politicians know they cannot take your vote for granted but instead have to earn your vote by standing and working for peace.

Write a Letter to Congress
-Support H.J. Res. 55: the Abercrombie-Jones resolution calling for a withdrawal plan.

-Support HR 4232: McGovern bill to cut off all funds for the occupation.

Send a Letter to the Media
Respond to misinformed articles about the war and spread the word about VotersForPeace.US, working to organize and make visible the growing Peace Vote.

Sign the Petition: NO WAR OF AGGRESSION on Iran
Demand that the leaders of the Democratic Party (all of whom supported the invasion of Iraq, refused to bring home the troops, and instigated for sanctions against Iran) step in line with the majority of Democratic voters and oppose unprovoked aggression against Iran.

Join our Yahoo Group for Activists
Become involved at the Grassroots level, help us gather pledge signers, and find out about how you can become involved in VotersForPeace.US.

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Takoma Park, MD 20912
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